About 25 years ago I was doing a job that looked like I’d be doing the same thing over and over again, every day, for the rest of my career. So, I took a leap and got into the technology space. I had no experience coding, not even macros. I feared them.
I was handed an opportunity by a small consulting firm to help them solve a problem for one of their clients. The client was a pop-up business designed to support behind the scenes work in the big Dow Chemical lawsuit. I don’t recall the details, but this company had to staff medical professionals, legal professionals, and about 80 scribes that combined multiple document inputs from these two groups into a single database record. It was laborious and the management wanted to figure out how to speed it up, make it more accurate, and reduce their costs.
“Hey Mike, can you write a macro or something that ingests multiple documents and combines them into an Access database?” I wasn’t sure how to respond, but I started doing some research and stumbled upon this guy in Columbus, OH who said he could write any macro for $150. So, I passed the question on to him (with specifications, of course). He responded with a working macro in a few hours. I paid him.
Note to self: don’t sell activities, sell outcomes
Next, I sold it to this small firm for way less than it was worth, but many, many multiples of what I paid. They of course passed more multiples along to their client. I never mentioned how I accomplished this feat. This guys was now my secret weapon. 🤣
A few days later, I was invited to co-present this wonderful thing I had created, and the management team was all excited for the 80 scribes to see this (for some reason). We demonstrated what it did - their jobs - and I watched the faces in the crowd begin to realize what would happen next.
Except for a few of them, I was told they were all laid off the next day.
I thought about this a lot over the years because since that time the pace of tech innovation has accelerated. As a friend of mine used to use in his email tagline back then…
“The cool thing about technology is that it keeps getting cooler.”
Some nobody figured out a way to disrupt a delivery model, when theoretically an insider should’ve figured this out. I didn’t write the code - although this led me down the coding path - and I had no experience in the legal or medical worlds. I was simply handed a problem and cobbled together a solution. It was clearly good enough as Clay Christensen would say. I didn’t think a lot about the impact it would have at the time. Back then, companies were still figuring out digital transformation was, back when it was truly an analog to digital transformation and not simply a plain old vanilla transformation like we have today.
More and more people learned to code, so while we began disrupting physical delivery models, jobs were created in the digital space to replace them, and to do even more!
We’re facing this same situation right now with artificial intelligence. It will disrupt the way information is synthesized and delivered. Maybe it’ll do even more someday, I’m not going to speculate. My warning is simple, ignore it at your own risk.
If you currently deliver some form of logical content that you generate by a staff of expensive people, and take forever to get it done, your toast. Soon. It’s time to figure out what that higher-context Job-to-be-Done is. Start skating to where the puck is going to be.
I can’t think of an industry where this won’t have impact. But I’d be especially concerned if you’ve built your career around you.
End the Analysis Paralysis
If you or your team is struggling with Jobs-to-be-Done, we’d like to help. We’re leading the way to a better innovation and product development process.
We’re here for companies who don’t want to, or can’t invest in Big ‘N’, or specialty consulting firms and their leveraged resource models.
We’re 20x faster and 10x less expensive than your traditional options because We’ve embraced modern tools and methods that can scale.
We’re not here to engage you with theatrics, We’re here to collaborate and systemize. It’s not about me, it’s about you.
Using our adapted approach to Jobs-to-Done - with a little bit of human experience on top - we can help you to get the insights you need in days and weeks without the need for an army of inexperienced consultants and analysts that add unnecessary cost and deliver static PowerPoint decks.
Qualitative Research - at the speed of light ✅
Quantitative Research - with dynamic leave-behinds ✅
Strategy Formulation - focusing on the top things you should do today ✅
You can reach me at [email protected]